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JohnR JohnR is offline

Certifiable Intertidal Anguiologist

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 86
  1. onelastcast
    01-28-2013 06:42 PM
    John, please close thread "TheSurfcaster' surf bag. not sure how to do it

  2. Fisherwoman
    12-26-2012 11:32 AM
    Hi John Merry christmas too ya buddy and your family, was wondering what you think about actioning off a charter for Maco joe, do you thing its a good idea, want to be able to at least make him around $500 on it if we can. Half day trip for 4 people, for the 2013 season they can pick the date. Let me know your thoughts thanks Jules
  3. bobred
    11-18-2012 03:46 PM
    Hello John,

    My username is BIGRED and my password is bigred10. but when i try to log in to the website, it says it is invalid. when i get an email sent to me ( with my username and new password, it says my username is bobred. Im am confused in why it thinks this. all of my past posts are gone as if i were a new user. if you would like to contact me my phone number is 203-729-3819. thank you.
  4. cerfur
    10-05-2012 09:15 AM
    I will admit I am basically a long time lurker here on striper talk! But have a computer challenged friend who is interested in being a sponsor here on the forum any info you could give about how we could work this out would be greatly appreciated!
  5. striper50trout
    10-03-2012 12:05 PM
    I just sent someone a PM and it doesn't show up in my sent messages. Did it send? And also, do i need to have a certain amount of posts before I can PM someone?
    Mark S.
  6. onelastcast
    07-17-2012 10:21 AM
    Help me Obiwan...

    still having problems with accessing forums. cleared out cache (I think) and still happening. dan P (onelastcast)
  7. mikecc
    03-27-2012 03:00 PM
    John a guy called a while back about a century blank. said he would pay you for it and wanted me to bring it to TFCTFN for a donation from him . I wanted to make sure with you about this before i brought it.
  8. onelastcast
    12-20-2011 08:34 AM
    How do I send you info to post on striped bass site?
  9. shark lobster
    11-23-2011 06:24 PM
    shark lobster
    hi john im assuming the ditch troll deal is done? i want to thank you for our time here top notch ,site you have i did enjoy the canal lobstering
  10. BILLC
    11-10-2011 04:56 PM
    John, please let me read the RHM Highjack thread!!!

About Me

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  • About JohnR
    Somewhere between OOB & west of Watch Hill
    Zip Code
    Club Affiliation
    MSBA, NPSWFC, NCSWFC, and more...
  • Signature
    ~Fix the Bait~ ~Pogies Forever~

    Striped Bass Fishing - All Stripers

    Kobayashi Maru Election - there is no way to win.

    Apocalypse is Coming:


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Blog - Geek Angling
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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 05:41 AM
  • Join Date: 02-14-2000
  • Referrals: 6


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Posted 09-07-2008 at 10:35 PM by JohnR Comments 2
Posted in Geek Angling
Throw it against the wall and see if it sticks...

This is one of MANY new features (nee bugs in Microsoft parlance) that we'll be adding to S-B over time. Today's upgrades are the start to doing some cool things. Some things will be noticeable, some things will be improvements over what we've had before. Some things we have not yet contemplated.

All in all, I want this to be one more step in providing the best angling community S-B can be. I'll do what I can with the Geek...
Recent Comments
Hey, John......
Posted 01-30-2009 at 08:14 AM by Crafty Angler Crafty Angler is offline
Good stuff boss man,...
Posted 09-09-2008 at 09:29 AM by reelecstasy reelecstasy is offline

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