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Go Back   Striper Talk Striped Bass Fishing, Surfcasting, Boating » 1dozenraw

Conversation Between 1dozenraw and luds
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. 1dozenraw
    05-15-2012 02:40 PM
    Check your thread. I posted a couple of questions about the 1205
  2. luds
    11-13-2009 06:42 PM
    This visitor message thing is new to me. I responded to you on my page but I didn't know if I should responding here instead. Here's my answer to your question:

    I've used it comfortably with loaded red fins up to grs divers that weigh 5.5 oz. It is in good shape and I'm not looking to go south of 500 unless you have some unfished bm dannies in colors that i don't have.

    I've used it comfortably with loaded red fins up to grs divers that weigh 5.5 oz. It is in good shape and I'm not looking to go south of 500 unless you have some unfished bm dannies in colors that i don't have.
  3. 1dozenraw
    11-12-2009 06:34 PM
    Hey Luds.... what will that cut down 1321M throw? It's in nice shape, correct?... finally, is that your best price?
  4. 1dozenraw
    04-11-2009 07:57 PM
    Hey luds... send me an email at and I'll email some photos of the Surf Hogs I want to trade. Didn't want to do it via PM on SOL or do it on the forum... Thanks. Kevin.

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