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Conversation Between JohnR and MMullen
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. MMullen
    02-07-2018 10:42 AM
    Hi John, sorry to trouble you. Could you give BillyD and myself instructions on how to delete a thread? We have something on our site which we feel will be causing dissension we would like to take down.
  2. MMullen
    01-26-2018 11:00 AM
    Hi John,
    We’re having some movement in our club. Toby Lapinski has left the club and so, he should be deleted from our member user list. Toby was a moderator for the messages board, so he will have to removed there as well. Billy DiLizio has volunteered to take up the slack and be our moderator. Could you please add him and send him any instructions he may need to edit the site and make stickies or whatever? Thanks.

    We are looking forward to Plugfest/TFCTF in February.

  3. MMullen
    06-06-2016 01:23 PM
    Hi John,

    I understand the group will be on Cuttyhunk this week. I like to extend an invitation from the Connecticut Surfcasters to have you and your group join us for hot dogs and burgers on Friday at noon. Please let me know how many to expect. Please BYOB.

    Mike Mullen , CSA Pres.
  4. JohnR
    04-29-2016 11:05 PM
    All set - plrase use private message though in the future

    Thank you, sir
  5. MMullen
    04-26-2016 08:40 AM
    Hi John,
    First off, thanks for all your help with the message board. Would you please make some changes for us? I would like to add Matt Lejeune aka Linesider82 as an administrator, he is our current Vice President. Would you also eliminated the other administrators except Toby Lapinski. Thank you.

    Mike Mullen, CSA President
  6. MMullen
    06-11-2014 08:15 AM
    Hi John,

    I am the new president of the Connecticut Surfcasters Association. Dan Bruton asked me to contact you to confirm that he, and not my lame brained brother, is the membership chair of our organization. He is. Henceforth, he or I will be sending you names of who is in or out of our club.


    Mike Mullen

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